Congratulations Dr. Kissenberth

Congratulations Dr. Kissenberth
April 3, 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Kissenberth for being named to the Top 5% of Shoulder & Elbow Research All-Stars for 2024!  This honor is a recognition of the quality and quantity of the Shoulder & Elbow research he authored and published during 2021 and 2022.  His inclusion in the list indicates that he is among the top shoulder & elbow surgeons publishing leading-edge research.


December 2, 2023

Through a partnership between Arthrex, Clemson and The Hawkins Foundation, twenty-two students in the Clemson University Sales Innovation Program were selected following an application process to take part in the first ROPES externship.

Korean Fellows

Korean Fellows
October 11, 2023

The ASES Korean traveling fellows are here to spend time with our faculty and fellows.  They presented their research in our academic session on 10/11/23.  Dr. Jung Han Kim presented on 3D joint volume evaluation after arthroscopic surgery.  Dr. Sung-il Wang presented on clavicular hook plate for displaced medial end clavicle fracture.  We are honored to host the Korean fellows every year as part of their travels in the US.

Pickleball Research

Pickleball Research
October 4, 2023

A great publication on pickleball injuries, that our fellow Dr. Chris Vasileff was an author on.


September 25, 2023

Huge Congratulations to Dr. Misty Suri & Dr. Nate Boes for receiving the two Mark Frankle, MD, Health Care Policy Awards issued by the ASES.  Really cool to have two Hawkins Trained fellows receive the great honor.

Micro Motion Study

Micro Motion Study
September 21, 2023

A collaborative study with Steadman Hawkins physicians, Clemson bioengineers, and industry to measure the micro motion of an implant for reverse shoulder arthroplasty.  36 custom made saw bones were implanted with varied reverse baseplates, screws, and heads.  Next step to cycle them on Clemson's instron machine until failure.

New Fellows

New Fellows
August 1, 2023

Our new 2023-2024 fellows

And they're off

And they're off
July 30, 2023

We'd like to wish our 2022-2023 fellows the best of luck as they head off to start up their practices.  What a great group, we are sure they are going to crush it!

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